If you’re interested in buying a stair lift, you could apply for the following schemes which are designed to help you support the cost of installing a mobility solution in your home. In some cases, the whole cost of your stairlift may be covered!

Persons with Disability Scheme (Scheme DIS): Grant to Render Residence Accessible

The Persons with Disability Scheme provides financial assistance (Up to €5,000) to persons with a disability to render their residence adequate for their needs or to convert part of the existing premises, so that the person with a disability can live in an independent or semi-independent manner close to the family.

How to Apply?

Option 1:

You must submit an application in the prescribed form and deliver it personally to the Housing Authority during office hours. If you can’t deliver it in person for reasons related to the disability, a relative could submit the application instead.
You can download the application form via this link or collect the prescribed form from the offices at Housing Authority 22, Pietro Floriani Street, Floriana, Malta; at the Housing Authority branch 25 Enrico Mizzi Street, Victoria, Gozo.

Option 2:

Apply Online (English) – https://housingauthorityapplications.gov.mt/en/onlineforms/Pages/LiftSchemeEN.aspx
Apply Online (Maltese) – https://housingauthorityapplications.gov.mt/mt/onlineforms/Pages/LiftSchemeMT.aspx

Option 3:

Otherwise, you can send us all the required documents and we’ll do all the work for you.
Get in touch with us for more information and assistance by calling on 21412687 / 79412687 or email comfortstairlifts@gmail.com. We are more than happy to help you in any way.

For more information on this Scheme, you can visit the Housing Authority website (https://housingauthority.gov.mt/services/repair-and-adaptations/lift-installations/) or get in touch with us via telephone, email or website.

5% VAT Refund

Furthermore, you can also apply for the 5% VAT refund on the purchase of a stairlift from Agenzija Sapport.

In order to be eligible, the person buying the stairlift should hold a Blue Badge. In case that you don’t, you can fill in this form (Application for the Blue Badge https://sapport.gov.mt/en/Documents/Blue Badge Form_EN.pdf). If you need any assistance with the filling in of this form, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Once the stair lift has been installed and commissioned, the client is then required to fill in this form (https://sapport.gov.mt/en/Documents/Grant for special equipment_EN Dec 2019.pdf) , which we will provide to you and assist you through it if need be.

The 5% VAT refund should then be processed within a couple of months.

Don’t worry, we will guide you through the whole process as we go along!